Tactical Commands & Co-ordination

Activate: Ship Undock/Log into server

Administer: Execute task against assigned entity

Amputate: Disable assigned target by lethal means

Assemble: Ships assume formation-group

Assimilate: Capture target with intent to convert to Consortium use

Acquire: Recover-loot/object of interest

Breach: Isolated hostile activity

Cauterize: Destroy target weapons/shields/offensive capability

Capital Prosecution: Kill on sight order

Clamp: Setup checkpoint/blockade

Coagulate: Overwhelm target/area with all available forces

Code: Series of executable commands

Deservice: Suspend assistance of target

Dissect: Aquire and disassemble technology for study

Deploy: Move to system/area. Generally Overtly.

Expunge: Remove/Forcibly aquire cargo from target

Inject: Move to system/area. Generally Covertly

Innoculate: Ensure target is not a threat/is compliant

Interdict: Attack and destroy commerce

Isolate: Cut target off from potential backup

Prosecute: Execute action against target. Generally Hostile.

Quarantine: Prevent contact between designated entity and other entities

Shield: Protect designated entity

Sterilize: Clear area of hostiles. Generally unrestricted engagement.

Summary Execution: Destruction of malcompliant entity.

Entity Designations

Airwatch: Consortium Space forces

Alligant: Ally

Alligant Delegate: Allied individual

Alligant Structure: Allied faction

Anticitizen: Kill-on-sight individual

Anticitizen one: Highest priority enemy individual. Currently applied to: Kusari Emperor Jien Kogen

Artificial Transit Device: Jumpgate

Augmentic: Cybernetically augmented individual. Generally applied to Consortium personell

Biotic: Overtly hostile entity. Generally applied to enemy Military/Paramilitary forces

Blackwatch: Consortium special ops & planetary combat forces

Citizen: Neutral entity/individual

Co-ordinator: Individual in leadership position. Generally refers to Consortium personell or AI

Cognative Atrophy: Lolwutter

Criminal Tresspass: Territorial Violation

Defendant: Individual under Consortium scrutiny. Generally applied to Neutral or Hostile entities.

Delegate: Individual assigned to a certian task. Generally applies to Consortium or allied personell

Exogen: Non-human/alien. Generally applied to Nomads.

Hardpoint: Base/Installation/Station

Individual: Unclassified person/entity of interest

Incursion Spike: Consortium offensive force

INTELSPIKE: Consortium Intelligence service

Logistics: Traders/Trade ships

Malcompliant: Individual not complying with Consortium demands

Malignant: Openly hostile entity. Generally applied to non-military entities.

Malignant Structure: Overtly hostile faction. Usually applied to hostile militaries/organised forces.

Mentally Unfit: Lolwutter

Necrotic: Nomad Infestee/Wild

Non-Person: Alternate term for Anticitizen

Overwatch: Consortium leadership entity

Parasitic: Slomon K'hara

Prime Core: Spaceship, Generally referred to Battleships, Carriers, or ships with fighter carrying capability

Prime Shard: Spaceship, Genrally applied to Combat Capital ships

Self-Cognitive Artificier: Artificial Intelligence. Generally applied to non-Consortium entities

Semi-Hardpoint: Stationary Dockable warship/Carrier

Slipgate: Jump Hole

Spike: Consortium division/entity/sub-organisation

Subprime: Spaceship, generally referred to Fighters, Bombers, and gunboats

Suspect: Individual suspected of Anticivil activity

Structure: Faction/Organisation

Stabilisation Team: Consortium force. Generally applied to defensive deployments

Transit Rift: Jump Hole (alternate)

Transit Ring: Tradelane

Unrest Structure: Hostile Faction. Usually applied to disorganised non-military forces

Virals: Alt term for hostile/potentially hostile entity

Charges/Penalty Codes

'Individual/Entity, you are charged with: (Attempted/Presumed) XXX, (Level X)'

Aggression: General hostility

Anomalous behavior

Assistance of hostile economies: Trading with the enemy

Capital Malcompliance: Malcompliance warranting death

Coersion: Assisting entities through active means

Conspiracy: (Presumed) intent to commit hostility

Contamination Risk: Lolwut Virus/Nomad infestation

Destruction of property

Devicive sociocidal counter surveyance: Being a member of an enemy military

Devicive exogen biology proliferation attempt: Being an alien

Evasion Behavior: Attempting to flee when confronted

Failure to complete (assigned task)

Failure to obey

Implicit representation of soviergnty: Being a vocal citizen/supporter/civil leader of an enemy nation

Inactive Coersion: Assisting entities through inactive means/inaction

Instigation (of xxx)


Malignant Bypass

Non-Approved speech

Possession of resources/technology

Resisting Prosecution

Social Endangerment: Threat to allied personell

Sociocide: Destruction of allied personell

Territorial Violation

Unwarranted Adorableness: <3

Violation of Civic trust: Betrayal of allies

'Failure to Co-operate will result in: '

Aquisition for Breeding

Aquisition for Military repurposing

Biology Modification

Capital prosecution

Conversion to biomass

Corporal prosecution

Destruction of resources


Decohesion of Family Status

Forced Assimilation

Forced Aquisition of resources

Forced Information removal

Forced Relocation

Forced Resocialization

Isolation from Contact

Mental Reformatting

Perminant Offworld Relocation

Perminant Non-Desirable Reassignment


Removal of Reproductive capability

Revocation of implicit citizenship

Summary Execution

Pilot/Dispatch Stenography

"(callsign/player), go active and intercept."

"(referanced player); (target player) is one way, on or six-detached. Sweep and confirm. (lost contact with Consortium unit, investigate)

"(callsign) report containment status."

"(sector name) contact blackout, full biotic overrun."

"Alligant Delegation requesting termination of activity/service/transit, advise?"

"All units at location, responding code #"

"All units, sacrifice code one. Maintain this CP."

"Biotic Overrun."

"Begin Scanning."

"Call Contact: (contact type, e.g. merchant, parasitic, malignant, etc)"

"Check for miscount"

"Confirm, Sector not Sterile"

"Contact, Virals"

"Dispatch reports suspect incursion at (grid sector/location)."

"Engagement has high probability of collatoral damage, leader; advise?" [//singular or smaller groups of players should be engaged with reasonable numbers)

"Engaging limited/partial/full response, sector is (relavent color code)"

"Engaged in Cleanup"

"Entering infestation zone"

"Establish a perimiter at (grid sector), criminal tresspass."

"Fall back and re-inforce (sector/player) (number/name), request of secondary re-inforcement team is inbound."

"Hardpoint (name) report blackout status."

"Leader (name) deserviced, Deg-3 field promotion active."

"Outbreak status is code (color code)"

"Overwatch, activate central transport stabilization teams"

"Overwatch, confirmed evasive biotics. All units BOL"

"Overwatch, primary target assumed as (playername) individual"

"Overwatch, reports possible hostiles inbound"

"Overwatch, request reserve activation"

"Overwatch, request line with dispatch."

"Overwatch, reports of Contact within (//level) ## mass range"

"Overwatch, sector overrun, repeat, sector overrun."

"Overwatch, target exceeds tactical engagement envelope." (is too large/small/evasive/powerful for viable engagement)

"Overwatch, target was sterilised."

"Overwatch, team is down, sector is non-controlled"

"Priority one objective"

"Protection teams at (hardpoint/location), report in.

"Perimiter units displace to internal hardpoints and prepare for final prosecution."

"Report blackout status."

"Request Picture"

"Request Tactical Augmentation" (re-inforcement)

"Request Instruction"

"Request target prosecution equivelent" (ship of similar size to engage enemy. E.g. Capital ship)

"Sector is not secure."

"Stabilization team has sector control"

"Stabilization team holding and standing by."

"Suspect, prepare to receive civil judgement"

"Sweeper team, deploy"

"Sweep juristiction"

"Target Comprimised"

"Target Ineffective"

"Target is non-mobile, scan for possible accomplice."

"Team # is online and standing by"

"Team # assemble and reinforce (target name) to reimpose control."

"Terminating blackout and activating"

"Visual on primary target"

"Warning, primary target is engaging in command and control tactics with Biotics. Repeat, primary target has tactical C&C over biotics."

"We are in an infestation zone"

"We have free parasites"

"We have non-tagged virals"

*'Overwatch' can be ommitted in post cases when communicating with individuals of similar or lower rank

Ship Hull Codes

Strike Craft:

FT/TA/AC: Fighter (HF/VHF)

FTB/TB/ACB: Bomber

SDI: Strategic Interceptor

DC: Fighter Drone

FTL/ACL: Light Fighter

FTX/ACX: Auxiliary/Miscellaneous Strike Craft

Strategic Combatants:

BB: Battleship

BBH: Heavy Battleship/Dreadnaught

CV: Carrier

ACV: Auxiliary Carrier

CA: Cruiser

CL: Light Cruiser

DD: Destroyer

FF: Frigate (large gunboat)

PF: Patrol ship (small gunboat)

VK: Corvette

SB: Battle Sloop

M: Monitor

Designation Suffixes:

A: Attack

G: Guided Weapons

K: Hunter Killer

X: Experamental

L: Flotilla Leader

R: Reconnisence

S: Support

U: Utility

D: Drone

H: Heavy

Combat Logistics Ships:

LCA: Landing Craft/Dropship

LCSL: Support Landing Craft (large)

LCD: Landing Craft Staging ship

MCS: Merchant Cargo Ship (military)

ARL: Tactical Repair Ship

AOE: Military Liner (configured for logistics supply)

APA: Commerce Interdiction Liner/Attack Cargo ship

MS: Mothership/Mobile Shipyard


AK: General Merchant ship (civilian)

YM: Mining Ship/Resource Collector

ST: Space Station